Airbnb Retreat in Yale, BC
One-on-one brainstorming, late-night gab sessions, mid-morning soul-talk, lingering conversation over a cup of cooling coffee, relaxed dinnertime discussions, meandering breakfast dialogue. I crave community and this is community in an airbnb retreat23
Six like-minded ladies in a heritage home for twenty hours. A baker, a blogger, a community facilitator, a photographer, a writer. Several moms, a couple of wives, a couple single. United by our faith and our desire for community, we sat in the parlor and filled those walls with stories to echo through the generations.
I am so grateful for the ladies of A Little Light and especially these five for their soul-filling, heart-full wisdom that sent me singing down the road toward home.
For our crew of entrepreneurs and creatives and online personalities, settling in for some face-to-face was the ultimate goal in our un-structured, un-scheduled, un-planned creative retreat. We showed up, hired a chef, and sat around as ladies of luxury. Basically, the opposite of real life but also the most full-real life ever.
In the past year, I have used Airbnb at least five times in my vacation planning: lodging for my sister’s wedding, vacationing in Victoria and Squamish, sneaking into Richmond on a girl’s weekend, and now hosting a retreat. Each time, I have been delighted by the coziness of the homes and the hospitality of the hosts. With this Airbnb, I was in awe of the history. Oh, if only walls could talk!
Although my inspiration for this weekend retreat was wrapped up in a photo-op, renting the house served as an excellent excuse for quality girl time and intense R & R.