Fraser Valley Family Photos
I love taking Fraser Valley Family Photos. So much. I can’t even describe how much. <3
While I don’t showcase much (or any!) of my non-wedding work online (it’s an intentional decision and helps me keep the main thing the main thing in my wedding-focused business), I DO still take Fraser Valley family photos AND I definitely still love proving my child-whispering ways. Child whisperer? Yes. The number of times I have delivered a gallery and heard delighted shock from a parent? Child whisperer status on fleek: “My child looks cooperative AND happy despite all the rambunctious whining! HOW DO YOU DO IT?!”
Sometimes I surprise myself, but often I am just using my well-used tactics: I act like a goof, I make ridiculous (and embarrassing) noises, I run around like a crazy person, and I pull surprises out of my pockets. (NOT giving away my secret, but it’s an instant crowd-pleaser. Promise.)
I have particularly loved the fun of this year because THE SCENERY has been sublime, the kids have been adorable, and I have had a large percentage of repeat clients so it’s basically one big family reunion at the park when I’m hanging out with clientfriends.
(Pitt Lake is the most easily accessible adventure family photo location I have found — feels off the beaten path, but is actually just a few miles from Starbucks. :-P)
I used to say I wouldn’t be a newborn photographer, but I’m so glad I changed my mind; the newborn yawns and big sibling snuggles steal the show!
Autumn is an amazing season for Fraser Valley Family Photos, but to hang out at sunrise in autumn? Cold by dreamy! PLUS, this shoot was at a location I’ve never worked at before and I loved it! Surrey Bend Regional Park family photos are beautiful and I will definitely be back!
(The above photos were cold…below photos? Warm enough to wear short sleeves!)
Summer family photos are easily the most predictable: it’ll be sunny and warm. Add in a white picket fence and clients I’ve photographed every year for EIGHT YEARS?! A dream!
My camera and I cherish the privilege of being invited into a family’s milestones (did you notice the baby announcement above?!) but possibly even more meaningful was being able to photograph an adoption announcement. I may or may not have wept on my way home, so overcome with the beautiful story of this family and the joy that is now officially official.
Extended family photo sessions are especially memorable; the multiple generations, the many personalities, and the hilarity in between.
Did I mention how tenderly beautiful I find newborn portraits essions?
I will never choose favorites, BUT I will say that this family crafted perfectly coordinating outfits for their autumn family photos and their Friday morning portrait session had an absolutely charmed weather pattern after a week of rain.
As iconic as you can get for Fraser Valley Family Photos, I loved this Chilliwack location for its mountain view.
Spring feels so far away, doesn’t it? But these flower-filled Abbotsford family photos were just dreamy!
Of all the families featured here, this family is one of only two who got their own blog post and I think you’ll see why: LOOK AT THAT GLOW!
I loved hanging out with so many families this year (this is just a handfull of the fun!) and I would absolutely love to photograph your Fraser Valley family photos. Email me for more information.