I went to Edmonton

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Traveling across Canada proves to me that I am not a Canadian. Most specifically, traveling in Edmonton provided ample opportunities to prove to myself (and the Canadians around me) just how American I still am.

Lieutenant. How would you pronounce that word? I pronounce it loo-ten-ent. Just like it’s spelled, right? Well, as I toured the Alberta Legislature Building in Edmonton and the guide was pointing to the loo-ten-ent sign and saying it left-ten-ent, I decided to ask the question that I just knew everyone was asking:

“What is the difference between a loo-ten-ent and a left-ten-ent?”
“Oh, it’s just pronunciation. Only Americans pronounce it loo. Canadians know it’s pronounced left.”

Guys. I could’ve crawled up the marble staircase and melted into the decorative fountain. I had identified proudly as “visiting from British Columbia” so you should’ve seen her look of judgment and scrutiny.

But now I know!

(And if anyone wants to let me know why the Alberta Legislature Building has a swimming pool in the front yard? I’d be forever grateful!)

Calgary, Alberta skyline

While in Alberta, I also completed my unofficial Tour De Canadian Towers by taking a trek up Calgary Tower.  For the business traveler me, trekking up the towers has proven to be the fastest way to catch a tourism highlight in each city and catch a little R & R in between meetings.   Vancouver, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary. Any other towers I should add to the bucket list?

Calgary, Alberta skyline

Calgary, Alberta skyline

Calgary, Alberta skyline


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