Senior: Bethany

She walked into my classroom. Maybe a teeny bit timid, maybe a huge bit excited, and most definitely a lot overwhelmed. Thirty other second graders clamored for attention, the boys antagonizing the pretty girls and the girls gossiping among themselves — usually talking about boys. (Patterns start young, thats what I learned).  I was her Master’s Club leader and she was new in town.

Over that year, I celebrated when she said THAT many Bible verses and I giggled when she so cutely held the flag while the class said the Pledge of Allegiance. I think she even swayed a little and made the flag move while we were pledging to it. (Full disclosure: that was a long time ago. I could have her mixed up with another of her classmates.) We talked about hair bows and shoes. She told me about her plans for the future. And we laughed. A lot.

She’s not in second grade anymore. And we weren’t in a classroom. There weren’t twenty nine other kiddos vying for attention. But ten years later, we were still laughing, talking about shoes, and dreaming of the future.

And I felt old.


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