Bolling Air Force Base Wedding


The perfect image of grace and poise, she stood calmly, surrounded by her dearest women, watching the minutes move slowly on, waiting for her wedding to begin.  It had been a relatively calm morning, filled with the usual giggles and temporary delays and mass preparations. But here she was: moments from her entrance into the sanctuary, and the nursery had become her sanctuary. A sanctuary of love as sisters, aunts, friends flowed in and out offering last minute suggestions and final adjustments. A sanctuary of joy overflowing as those same dear ones marveled at her beauty, squealed thankfully for her day, and cried their happiness at the realization of it all. A sanctuary of peace as her mind wandered to the godly man waiting for her, an awesome story of God’s provision and kindness in directing their paths.


He was noble. Is noble. Only allowed a few days away from his ongoing training, he waited excitedly for his bride to arrive.   Patiently, too.  They’d counted down the days for months, they’d skyped for years, they’d endured long distance relationship for entirely too long. But now he just had a few moments to wait. Those few moments? Hardly worth mentioning.

She didn’t make him wait long. No longer than absolutely necessary.  Arriving almost exactly on time, she didn’t even notice the military escort crossing their sabers for her. Neither did he. Her eyes were on him. His eyes were on her.  If the world were a movie, everyone else would have faded into nothing.  For all they knew, it was just them. Only them. No one else.




Throughout the day, one person after another would comment on how perfectly suited these two are. How no one knew if anyone would ever be good enough for Kelly. How no one was going to be good enough – ever – for Keegan. Stories were told of high achievements, deeply caring hearts, bold dreams, and big ambitions. Both of them.  Separately.

And now together.

Together because of a few weeks in France one summer on a missions trip.
Together because of a not-too-subtle nudge to dance with each other (to Frank Sinatra’s Come Fly With Me, of course).
Together because of fabulous conversation and many letters and Skype conversations across too many timezones to count.






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